
Christina Locke is a self-taught artist (currently based in Atlanta, GA), using the gift of creating abstract art to inspire peace and joy.  

Read below for background on the brand name. It’s long, so read it when you have time =)

The Story

One day, when I decided to get serious about painting and use the gifts God has given me to serve Him and others, I knew I needed to have a name that was meaningful and purposed. I prayed and brainstormed ideas until I Am Unknown Creative Power popped in my head and halted my train of thought. I searched Bible verses for confirmation and to make sure it wasn’t my voice making up this name. The more I thought about it I began to doubt that this was the name God wanted me to use. It’s so long, it’s confusing, it’s not catchy, my name isn’t in it, people are going to think it doesn’t make sense! All of those thoughts rushed in to convince me that not only was the name nonsense, but that my art was insignificant, amateur and could never be used in God’s perfect plan. In spite of those attacking thoughts, I took a leap of faith. It may not all make sense right now and I might not be able to see the bigger picture but I don’t have to because it’s not my plan, it’s God’s. His thoughts and ways are higher than mine (Isaiah 55:8-9).

The Meaning …

I AM - This statement has two meanings. First, God told Moses to call Him I Am (Exodus 3:14). It demonstrates His eternity and unchanging character; He is consistent and faithful in fulfilling His promises. He is the Great I Am - past, present, and future. Second, my true identity is only found in my Creator. My identity (and yours) is not based on accomplishments or current endeavors. If I lost everything, what do I have left but my identity and God? Therefore, I choose to believe that I am who He says I am. I am His Child (Galatians 3:26), I am found in Him (John 14:20), and I am loved with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). Those are just a few things that define who I am.

Unknown - It’s all about trust. I don’t know my future, but I know that God does and His plans aren’t to harm me, but to prosper me, and to give me hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). When I’m creating a painting, I sometimes think I know how I want it to turn out, but it usually turns into something I couldn’t fully imagine. Like life, each day is filled with unknowns. So I choose to trust the One who is All Knowing (Psalm 147:5). Abstract painting is a process of embracing the unknown and knowing that once the paint flow and brush strokes cease, I’ll step back and see something uniquely beautiful.

Creative Power - The first verse in the Bible states that in the beginning God created (Genesis 1:1). God is the original Creator. Everything that has been made was created by God (John 1:3), including you and me. “Our ability to create and be creative is an expression of Him in us. Our creativity is authored by Him and comes from His hand” (Ted Esler). God has gifted me to express creativity through painting. Creating something can cause me to be fearful, especially when I compare myself to other artists. Or even just being afraid that no one will like it. However, the first thing I have to remember is that God did not give me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). So I choose to create in power, not fear. Second, I don’t create for the approval of others. Sure it’s great when people like my art, but first and foremost, I create to please God.

The Purpose…

To create art that inspires peace, infused with tranquility, harmony, and joy.